
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dicke Buecher-Leserinnen

Two women reading real big books.
Yes, there is hope. People like to read big books.
16 November 2013 Sketched on the ICE train from Bremen to Hamburg and in Hamburg Airport while waiting for my flight to Teneriffa. The women on the right read Douglas Adams "Hichiker´s Guide to the Galaxy", a trilogy in four parts.
Pencil and ink on paper

Monday, December 23, 2013

Waves East of Barbados

Almost there. 250 nautical miles east of Barbados on the 9 December 2013. The wind was increasing and the waves coming from behind lifted the boat but went smooth under it. A feeling like going down a ski slope without a ski. The waves rolling in look gigantic and you hope you do not get wet.

Transatlantic to Barbados 2013

Almost in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean you get a feeling how small the humans are. The speed of a sailing boat with 8 knots is almost equal to the speed of a stage coach in the 19th century. Sketched on location 2 December 2013. The colorful sail is a gennaker of 88 square meters (about 1000 square feet). Our position was 15 degree 34´North and 040 degree 5´West (Take a look in Google Earth).

Sketched with pen, ink and watercolor while the boat was rocking and rolling.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Careenage, Bridgetown, Barbados

The Careenage in Bridgetown is a natural harbour. We stayed most of the time of our stay anchoring in Carlisle Bay just around the corner.
Sketched on location.
Pencil, ink and watercolor on paper.

Busby Alley in Bridgetown, Barbados

Pencil, ink, watercolor on paper.
Sketched on location December 15, 2013 in Barbados.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Transatlantic with sailing yacht Doertita 2013

This sketch I made on the 2nd December at latitude 15 degree 34`North and 40 degree 5 `West in the middle of the Atlantic. We were three guys and it took us 22 days from the Canary Islands to Barbados in the Caribbean. We saw only two other sailing ships, only water, flying fish, clouds and dolphins.
The ship was rolling all the time, so I started with soft pencil and then went under deck to the fine work while trying to hold everything. It was never more difficult to draw for me.
The boat is a forty feet yacht and she carried us safely to Barbados.
Pencil, ink and water color on paper.