
Thursday, December 30, 2010


29. Januar 2010

Ausstellung 'Stadt Land Meer'. Reiseskizzen und mehr von Manfred Schlösser. Eröffnung: 29. Januar 2010, 20:00 - 22:00 Uhr Kunstverein Humboldt & Schlüter e.V.
Humboldtstr. 67, 28203 Bremen, Geöffnet Di.-Fr. 18-22 h, Sa. 20-22 h.

Monday, November 22, 2010

La Gomera La Playa (2010)

This woman from the Netherlands wore such an impressive hat and matching sunglasses, I had to sketch her.

During our trip to the Canary island of La Gomera in October and November 2010 I had the time do fill my sketch book.

La Gomera Vueltas 2010

Many different people try a refreshing swim in the harbor of Vuelta in La Gomera.

During our trip to the Canary island of La Gomera in October and November 2010 I had the time do fill my sketch book.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Alojera 2004

Alojera 2004, originally uploaded by manfred schloesser.

Alojera is a small village on the West coast of La Gomera.

During our trip to the Canary island of La Gomera we visited a lot of places.

La Gomera El Fotografo 2010

The shop of El Fotografo is opposite of Maria´s famous Bar.

During our trip to the Canary island of La Gomera in October and November 2010 I had the time do fill my sketch book.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

H Boat Racer

H Boat Racer, originally uploaded by manfred schloesser.

H Boot zu verkaufen.......
H Boat Racer

Summer of 2010: A short video of our H boat racing the Weser river. This boat is fantastic... and for sale now. We need an upgrade.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Beach people in Prora, Ruegen

Beach people in Prora, Ruegen

Prora on Ruegen, Germany largest island, offers fantastic beaches and much more. The visitors will have to pass the ruins of the Prora buildings which were planned in 1933 in Germany as a part of Hitler´s KdF program. With a capacity for 20000 people they were never completed and still stretch out for 4.5 kilometers.
We were stunned by the monstrous architecture.

Ink on moleskine

Monday, July 12, 2010

Beach people in Binz, Ruegen island

Beach people in Binz, Ruegen island

The baltic sea resort Binz is located on the southeastern part of Ruegen. First mentioned in the 14th century as a fishermen´s village it is nowadays the largest beach resort. In the 1980s the beach was frequented by nudists. Now manners have changed a lot.

We were on a sailing trip around Ruegen and visited many interesting places on this island.
I sketched the people as they were passing by. In the background the white cliffs of Ruegen are visible.

My recommendation for reading:
In the beginning of the 20th century the New Zealand born writer Elizabeth von Arnim wrote her famous book " The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rugen". first published in 1904 by Macmillan.

Ink on moleskine
Malerei und Zeichnungen

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Southern Lighthouse, Hiddensee 2010

Southern Lighthouse, Hiddensee 2010

The Suederleuchtturm in the southern part of the island Hiddensee was built in 1905 to help navigators coming from Stralsund to find their way. Three differently colored sectors in green, white and red give guidance. In the beginning of the 20th Century the famous writer Gerhart Hauptmann and many other artists were attracted to this part of the world.
We were there for two nights on our sailing boat trip around Rugen. No cars, only bicycles allowed. Just wonderful.

Wismar, Market place 2010

Wismar, Market place 2010

Renovated houses at the Wismar market.
End of June 2010 we were travelling along the Baltic coast of Germany to Wismar and further on to Stralsund. This sketch I made at 10 pm while waiting for a cool beer next to the famous restaurant Alter Schwede. This part of Germany was once occupied by Sweden.

Timmendorf, Baltic sea 2010

Timmendorf, Baltic sea 2010

A couple of young students were watching the sun set on this beautiful beach spot. The island of Poel is just next to the city of Wismar, also an old Hanse town.
What impressed me the most is that in the age of ipod and iphone the guitar seems to be still the number one.

Stralsund, city view

Stralsund, city view, originally uploaded by manfred schloesser.

Stralsund, city view

Stralsund, city view from the marina. It was at 10 p.m. at night and I could hardly see the archtecture.

Ink on moleskine

Stralsund Am Fischmarkt 2010

Stralsund, Am Fischmarkt 2010
Sketch on moleskine with Pitt pens from Faber Castell.

The modern building is the Ozeaneum ( Some yacht owners use the marina in the canal. The restaurants offer a variety of fish. Excellent!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Relaxing in Binz, Ruegen island, Germany

The people at the sunny beach of Binz like to relax. We were on a sailing trip around this lovely island.

Stralsund Marina 2010 and Ozeaneum

The city of Stralsund is located at the Strelasund opposite of the Ruegen island and was a member of the Hanse. The modern building is the Ozeaneum, an exhibition center.
We made trip around Ruegen with a sailing boat. This was the best idea for the hot season....

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lufthansa Seeheim 2010

Lufthansa Seeheim 2010

The Lufthansa Training and Conference Center south of Frankfurt was my home for a couple of days. The old center was planned to be rebuilt, but then the tore down the whole building and rebuilt it. Like the rise of Phoenix, the new complex is offering a perfect scenery to study and learn. The topic for last week was Dangerous Goods on aircrafts (IATA), a rather bureaucratic thing, but anyway the group was fun to work with.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bremen Schlachte 2010

Bremen Schlachte 2010, originally uploaded by manfred schloesser.

Bremen Schlachte 2010

This part of Bremen was the old port of Bremen. Medieval Hanse merchants had here their storage. The twin towers of the Bremen Dom on the right hand side are dominating the city center. I did this sketch from the top level of the Beluga shipping tower located on the Weser island. The bar offers a fantastic view. I think the prices in the restaurant "Outer Roads" are only for people with a huge banking account and booking has to be three weeks in advance.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Weserterrassen, originally uploaded by manfred schloesser.

Thursday, 3 June 2010: Finally good weather. The pedestrian walks along the river Weser in Bremen are full of people. The Buergerhaus Weserterrassen is located near the Weser Stadion which is well known for the Werder Soccer team. We had some Flammkuchen with onions and bacon.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

NCMallory´s portrait for JKPP

Another sketch for Julia Kay´s Portrait Party on Flickr.
Norman C Mallory is an US American artist from Los Angeles.
His photostream is here:

Monday, May 31, 2010

Emma am See: Dining in the Buergerpark

May 2010: This came as a real surprise. This wonderful building was for years quite a boring place to drink coffee and have some cakes in an old interior. Now the new owners renovated this jewel. Located in the Bremen Buergerpark it is the latest attraction, a combination of Bauhaus architecure and modern cuisine.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Jerry Waese for Julia Kay´s Portrait Party

This flickr group is called Julia Kay´s Portrait Party. Everybody who joins has to draw somebody. My contribution: Jerry Waese´s portrait.

Sauhaufen_ Pigsty in Bremen Buergerpark

Sauhaufen= Pigsty (pile of sows = means total mess)
The newborn piglets are relaxing with their mother during a sunny afternoon in the Bremen Buergerpark. This park is called the "green lung" of Bremen.
Born on the 9 of May 2010 they are remarkably grown.

Drawn on Whit Monday/ Pfingstmontag (a national holiday in Germany).

Friday, May 28, 2010

Nagelritz - a true sailor

Wieso Kühe so entspannt sind.
Ein Besuch bei Nagelritz in der Bremer Speicherbühne klärt endlich diese Frage.

Bremen, im Mai Sonntag abends um kurz vor sieben. Über 100 Besucher stehen geduldig Schlange am Eingang zur Speicherbühne im Speicher XI im Bremer Holzhafen. Nagelritz zeigt sein neues Programm „Landgang - mit Vieh, Gesang und Vollrausch".
Mal sehen, das hört sich ganz gut an. Wir sind das erste Mal hier und setzen uns mutig in die erste Reihe. Auf der Bühne stehen ein paar Flaschen Malteser, ein Seesack, eine Ukulele, ein Hocker und ein Klavier. Das Licht geht aus, kleiner Applaus, und auf der Bühne erscheint ein Matrose mit Tätowierungen, Matrosenmütze mit passendem Hemd dazu. Nagelritz schaut in die Runde und begrüßt die Gäste in bestem Matrosenschnack. Mit einem Seitenblick auf das Klavier: „ Eigentlich hatte ich ein richtiges Schifferklavier bei den Veranstaltern bestellt, aber was kann man von so Landratten schon erwarten.“
Und dann fängt er an zu erzählen, dass einem schwindelig wird. „Zuerst mal ein paar Fakten über echte Seemannschaft: Probleme auf See sind nix gegen Probleme an Land. An Land weiß ich nie, was mich erwartet!“, sagt er. Und so fängt die Geschichte an: Sein bester Kumpel Hinnerk ging an Land verschütt. In Rotterdam war das. Und Nagelritz will ihn suchen, versackt in einer Kneipe, verpasst das Schiff, will in seine Heimatstadt nach Gelsenkirchen trampen, wird in einem Fischmehllastkraftwagen mitgenommen, dessen Fahrer aussieht wie ein Wels und der behauptet, die Welt bestünde aus Fischmehl. Nach Gelsenkirchen schaffen sie es natürlich nicht. In einem Dorf gewinnt Nagelritz bei einer Lotterie eine Kuh, die tanzen kann und ihn in das Geheimnis der ultimativen Entspannung einweiht. Kuh und Nagelritz werden die absoluten Showstars, dieser Ruhm steigt der Kuh zu Kopf und sie lässt sich später von einem Talentscout abwerben. Nagelritz zeigt bei diesen abstrusen Geschichten bestes Erzähltalent. Der Alleinunterhalter zeigt sein Können auch bei den Telefonaten mit seinem spanischen Kumpel Raoul aus Andalucia, der jetzt mit Frau und Kind nahe Hamburg lebt und den er in ausweglosen Situationen anruft. Raoul hat einen Anrufbeantworter mit Flamencomusik und flammender Ansprache bestückt und Raoul als echter Spanier spricht ein rollendes R. Diese Telefonate enden immer im Fiasko und Nagelritz bekommt nie die Antwort auf seine Fragen.
In zwei Stunden Kabarett, Klaviermusik und Gesang nimmt Nagelritz seine Gäste mit auf die einzelnen Stationen dieser Odyssee, die ihn auch auf ein deutsches Forschungsschiff zu einer verführerischen Ozeanographin führt (60-90-60, das passt zu meinen 70-70-70!). Dirk Langer alias Nagelritz trifft mit seinem neuem Programm genau den richtigen Ton. Man kann nicht anders, es wird einem so schwummerig beim Zuhören, man muss ihm dieses Seemannsgarn abkaufen. Und richtig, diese Geschichten sind nicht bloß so ausgedacht. Auf direkte Nachfrage gibt Dirk Langer nach der Vorstellung zu: er kommt aus Gelsenkirchen und ist zur See gefahren. Mit Äquatortaufe! Der Wahlbremer hat in den letzten Jahren mit seinen verschiedenen Programmen schon mehrere Auszeichnungen gewonnen. Eines noch zum Schluss: Um dem zukünftigen Besucher nicht dieses schöne Aha-Erlebnis zu nehmen, darf das Geheimnis der ultimativen Kuh-Entspannung an dieser Stelle nicht verraten werden.

Manfred Schlösser

Sehenswert: Das neue Nagelritz-Programm „Landgang - mit Vieh, Gesang und Vollrausch" ist auf der Webseite www.nagelritz .de einzusehen. Nächste Auftritte in Norddeutschland sind am 28. und 29. Mai in Hamburg, 2. Juli in Bremerhaven und am 17. Juli in Husum.

Emily_O´Marra´s Portrait for Julia Kay´s Portrait Party

My contribution: Emily O´Marra´s Portrait

Wally Torta´s Portrai for Julia Kay´s PP

This is my contribution to Julia´s portrait party: a sketch of the great Wally Torta-

Kbac for sale in Sevastopol

This was last week in Sevastopol. Ukraine.

Friday, May 14, 2010


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.